Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hullo Twenty Fifteen

And so a New Year begins.

Hullo Twenty Fifteen!




My fervent wish for everyone is that this is a year of good health.


Let it be a year of hope.


Let it be a year of wow.


Let it be a year of defying the odds.


Let it be a year of tangible kindness.


Let it be a year to embrace.



My fervent hope for myself is that I find a better sense of balance and consistancy in my life. The last two years have been a seesaw of such extremes both physically and emotionally. I would like to be more consistant in the way I look after myself. I think my body deserves care in the form of better exercise & quality sleep. My chemo affected memory deserves its own daily brain gym to try and repair the damage and my emotions deserve attention instead of being pushed aside for 'later'.


With that sense of balance restored I know I can be a better me.

I can be a more patient mummy who is fun to be around.

I can be a more affectionate wife.

I can be a stronger source of joy and support to my friends.

I can be a better connected sister/aunt/cousin/niece/daughter/granddaughter/goddaughter.

I can be a more creative being.


I will continue to passionately speak out on human rights abuses against asylum seekers in this country. I will continue standing up for effective action on climate change in Australia. I will continue to oppose the Abbott Government's nonsensical policies and demand an intelligent, fairminded and transparent form of governance.

I hope that in some small way I can help contribute to positive change.



What is your hope for the new year?


Cheers xxx Em





1 comment:

  1. "Let it be a year of wow". Great wish, shamelessly stealing this one :)

    Happy 2015!


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