Thursday, April 25, 2013


I thought it was about time that I posted a picture of my bald head.
It's taken a little while to summon the courage to do so. I still feel quite vulnerable when I'm not wearing a headscarf. I'm hoping one day that I can go out in public bared headed and proud...

...we'll see.


  1. You are still as beautiful and brave as ever Emily.

  2. If only I could look that good bald! You look amazing as always Em!
    You are in our thoughts & hearts. All of the family wish you only good fortune.
    With love, warm hugs & symbolic cheers from the sidelines,

  3. Easy for me to say I know...but I think you look beautiful. Not everyone has a gorgeous bald head but you...yeah, you do. Praying for you always. Gaye


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